Thursday, January 31, 2008

Britney won't get LOST.

First things first. I am so f-ing excited about the premiere of Lost tonight. It pretty much defines today. My baby sister's coming home today specifically to watch it, all the way from Colli' Park, enduring that long and arduous commute, risking yet another fender bender due to her owning an XY chromosomal arrangement and a Rav-4. (Click.) Reviews so far are excellent, not that I'm surprised, because Lost has always been critically acclaimed. Yeah!

My second point of discussion is Britney Spears. Seriously, I am so sick of this girl that I feel I will projectile vomit all the way to LA where she carries out her parasitic existence. Every single news and gossip site is inflicted with her trashy, hick germs, every single post inundated with her latest rehab stay, Starbucks run, or creepo boyfriend/baby daddy. This ho is a mess. I feel sorry for her (in a sort of Amy Winehouse way, but let's not go there), but at the same time am utterly revolted by the sight of her.

Her family is trying to reach out to her (along with Dr. Phil--lolz), but she continually rejects their help, throwing it in their face, and preferring to find solace in McDonald's and Ho-Ho's, along with her shady, frightening male 'friends', Sam Lufti and Adnan Ghalib. Both of whom SOLD HER SECRETS to news groups for PROFIT. Right. That's helpful and comforting. Can't she see that these guys are snakes? Is she really that dim?

What makes me want to pull my hair out is the sheer amount of tax money that's being wasted on this white-trash hippo.

"The motorcade that whisked Spears to the hospital also showed a large investment in resources. The line of emergency vehicles stretched longer than a football field." -Perez

WTF!?!? Is this a 90-year old woman who's fallen down the stairs? Is it a 50-year old who's having a stroke or something else?? Is it a child having an asthma attack??? No? No!? Oh? It's a fucking 26-year-old trashy bitch who has NO MEDICAL PROBLEMS and is perfectly FINE, using up valuable resources, taking away the paramedics and police from way more URGENT cases of actual SICK PEOPLE. As you can see this sparks such a fury within me that I'm actually breathing heavily at the computer, lol. Oh, and don't tell me about her "bipolar disorder" or whatever shit she'll come up with next. Ho is fine. (That's right--this is my blog and I'll say whatever the fuck I want.) Is her "condition" a medical emergency that warrants a cavalcade of ambulances and cop cars that closes up the road just so this slutbag can get to a hospital in which she doesn't even need actual HELP?

She surely gets the award for world's greatest mother, or at least LA's greatest mother...oh, where do I even begin? I'm not going to. I'm simply going to state that every day I'm shocked by her apathetic behavior toward her children. Never have I seen such levels of it toward kids, kids who came out of the mother's womb. But oh, that's right--Britney couldn't be bothered to actually birth her babies the right way, because she didn't want her junk down below messed up (ha, as if it already isn't), so she took the easy way out and had the docs cut the kids out of her to fit her schedule. (If it's done for medical reasons, that's fine, but she herself has stated that both of hers were elective.)

Next, the ho doesn't even bother to fight for her kids! For every single custody hearing that has been held, she has either not bothered to show up, or she's gone for ten minutes and come back out! I mean, doesn't she even want her kids? K-Fed is now dad of the year in comparison to her behavior. And the weirdest part is, she doesn't even seem upset about it--every picture of her shows her grinning like an idiot through her greasy, French-fry smeared skin! Even pictures right after K-Fed got sole custody! Cats would make better mothers, heck, Charles Manson would make a better mother! Homegirl has PROBLEMS!

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